Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sustainable Fisheries, brought to you by big business

McKinsey & Company highlights the Marine Stewdship Council's massive sucess to identify and educate the public on the need for managed worldwide fisheries in their article Building a Market for Sustainable Fisheries. A little known fact is that the market, not bureaucracies led the effort to find sustainable fishing solutions.

"Established in 1997 by Unilever, at the time one of the world’s largest purchasers of frozen seafood with brands such as Birds Eye and Iglo, and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the world’s largest and most recognized international conservation organization, the MSC was created to use its certification and labeling program to identify and reward existing good practice and to help create the market pull to encourage less well-managed fisheries to improve their performance in order to meet the standard."

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