Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Evoking Emotion - Finding Real Relationships

Those who know me know my cautious belief in technology, social media and a generation who have thousands of friends on Facebook. Online forums like this, Twitter and MySpace are distortion of reality and sadly more and more people are living in "internet world" and not the real world. True, these networks have the power to connect people, but the key is to make them come alive, so find a friend who you can run with, find a real lasting love and live your relationships.

This new piece by Leo Burnett, Hello, embodies the emotion we seek as people and the emotion advertisers will need to find regressed deep inside of consumers. Our new frontier as a society will be reintroducing ourselves to our neighbors. So I challenge you, find your "friend" on Facebook and have a coffee with them, who knows you may actually like them.

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