Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Decommercialize Earth Day

Should Earth Day be a corporate charade? Should Hallmark be making this another card worthy holiday?

I believe if you have a day for the earth, give it to the earth, stop making it about yourself. Spend some time with nature, if you plant a tree or pick up some trash, great, but make that an afterthought. Favorite lyrics from youth from a song called I Don't Mind went:

It's not enough to fight for the land.
It's even more important to enjoy it while you can, while it's still here.

So get out there and hunt and fish and mess around.
Ramble out yonder, explore the woods, encounter the grizz,
Climb the mountains, bag the peaks, run the rivers,
Breathe deep that yet sweet lucid air.

Sit quiet for awhile contemplate the precious stillness
That mystery and awesome space enjoy yourself.

Appreciate the natural word as an amazing gift we have been given. When you are done, you might just think there is something worth protecting for our children.

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